Resource Section has the Answers

Topical tax and VAT issues from the advice line

Our clients will be aware that complimentary to their Vantage Tax Fee Protection insurance, they have access to telephone advice.  The advice lines give unlimited access to our tax and VAT consultants, who between them have many years’ experience working in both private practice and /or for HMRC.  They will consequently answer your questions with insight and opinion.

Our consultants produce various articles, bulletins and ‘Questions and Answers’ in respect of topical, or interesting issues that crop up on the advice lines.  As and when we distribute these we have begun adding them to a resource section on our website, which will build into a really useful point of reference for our accountancy clients.

Our most recent Q&A relates to an accountant who had a client call him regarding the sale of a residential property.  His client wanted to clarify the rate of Capital Gains Tax that would be charged as the information that HMRC had published regarding this was rather ambiguous.  To read more about this and other Q&As please visit our Resource Section.

Don’t forget in addition Vantage clients get access to 12 hours CPD qualifying webinars.  Provided in partnership with Tolleys, our Topical Tax Update Webinars are hosted by top tax lecturers including Rebecca Benneyworth and Chris Jones, who will quickly bring you up to date with all the latest developments in UK tax.  Indeed the lecturers liaise specifically with our own advice line consultants to ensure that matters that are regularly coming up on our advice lines and causing our clients’ problems are covered.

As always our tax and VAT advisors are on hand to assist with any questions you may have, in which case don’t hesitate to contact them on 0116 243 7892, remembering to have your Policy Number to hand.

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