Tax Webinars

Working in partnership with Tolley, Vantage Fee Protect clients (including all of your employees) have free and unlimited access to our monthly Tax webinars. Hosted by top tax lecturers including Rebecca Benneyworth, these Webinars will quickly bring you up to date with all the latest developments in UK tax.

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tax webinar

Tolley Tax Webinars

Indeed the lecturers liaise specifically with our own tax advice line consultants to ensure that matters that are regularly coming up on the advice lines, and causing our clients’ problems, are covered. The webinars are CPD qualifying and come complete with course notes. The value of this addition to our service really should not be underestimated.

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Vantage Fee Protect Customer Testimonials

Having changed over to Vantage a couple of years ago we have been very satisfied with the service. Especially the claims handling and technical advice lines for both our firm and insured clients on employment and business legal matters. The webshop Vantage offer allows our clients to join and pay electronically. This positively impacts our bottom line and makes things simple and efficient for our clients.

Linda Giles Chartered Accountant
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